On September 11, 2021, our nation's longest war will come to an end. Not with a glorious conclusion complete with victory parades but with a long-overdue ending. That doesn't make the sacrifices of our troops any less worthy of our remembrance or appreciation for their service.  President Biden announced the pull-out and within minutes the GOP pulled out all their righteous indignation, even though they didn't say a word when Trump announced the same thing only earlier. 

The only things that are for certain are death, taxes, and GOP hypocrisy. Perhaps that's why in a recent poll only  25% of American's identify as Republican.  Trump has brought ruin and shame to the "Grand Old Party" and it may end with him in an orange jumpsuit. And what's a poor thug like Vladimir to do, now that he's lost his favorite pet? For four years his puppet danced like a demented marionette while he delightedly pulled the strings and we watched in horror as Donnie played the part of Fawning Fanboy.

Joining Robin and David on this episode of American Discourse is Retired Command Sergent Major Jamie Lethiecq who served for 20 years including time in Afghanistan. He gives us insights into the mindset of many in the military about the decision as well as some important facts about what a drawdown of 2500 troops means in both the short and long term.