PURGING CONSERVATIVES: The New Red Scare . Glenn Beck Special. 


PURGING CONSERVATIVES: The New Red Scare | Glenn TV | Ep 86



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Watch more Glenn Beck at https://blazetv.com/glenn​ The American Red Scare of the 1950s may be one of the most important — and most terrifying — events in our nation’s history. It was a witch hunt — an all-out assault — on any American citizen deemed to be a threat simply because of their thoughts. Led by Senator McCarthy, the House of Un-American Activities Committee destroyed lives. Mere accusations sometimes meant you were stripped of your job and your dignity. Sound familiar? We've gone from pursuing alleged communists to pursuing “right-wing extremists." But how are our new "reality czars" defining that? Is it Trump supporters, red-state Republicans, conspiracy-theorist “nut jobs"? Our new Red Scare is here, America. Are you on the list? Later, Donald Trump Jr. joins Glenn to call out this modern McCarthyism and explains the real reason for President Trump's second impeachment trial. BONUS for BlazeTV subscribers only: Watch the full, unedited interview with Donald Trump Jr., free from "reality czars," only at https://blazetv.com/glenn​. Glenn asks Don Jr. how President Trump is handling the impeachment, what happens to the conservative movement going forward, and whether it will be led by a Trump. #blazetv#glennbeck#newredscare​ ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu​ ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/​ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters​ Connect with us on Social Media: http://twitter.com/BlazeTVhttp://instagram.com/TheBlazeTVhttp://facebook.com/BlazeMedia





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