Mark Levin- Dems Put Trump Aid in Leg Irons and Handcuffs and Find Clinton Aid Not Guilty by Jury Nullification.

America continues to limp toward tyranny as a lawyer presents an open and shut case to a jury that was not objective and comprised of a few donors to the Hillary Clinton campaign and other ties to the judge. What America witnessed, with the Michael Sussman not guilty verdict, was jury nullification. The testimony presented by John Durham was clearly overwhelming, yet the jury felt it didn't meet the standard of guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thanks to Big Media, America is engaged in a conversation on mass shootings, and mental illness with no real facts, or hard data. A word of thanks also goes to Mitch McConnell and the RINO Republicans for discussing pointless gun control measures in Congress, even though there isn't a single bill they could pass that would stop crazy people from hurting innocent people. We must thank President Biden for focusing his attention on 9mm pistols and revealing how senseless their gun-grabbing desires are, right? A year ago, a gallon of gas on average was $3.04, today a gallon of gas on average in California is $6.21 and this program predicts that the national average will surpass $5.00 for a gallon for regular gasoline by next week. The government's boot is still on the throat of America's energy producers. OPEC has agreed to ramp up production, but this does nothing to accelerate U.S energy production. The January 6th Committee is a trojan-horse front for the Department of Justice to cast a wider net than a law enforcement agency is legally permitted to. This is unconstitutional as it violates the individual's Constitutional rights in a criminal proceeding. Earlier, Peter Navarro was held in contempt of Congress by the Congressional January 6th Committee. Navarro was indicted and immediately arrested at the airport and placed in handcuffs and leg irons for his political opposition to the committee's document request.

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 Jun 04 2022