Glenn Beck. United States of Venezuela: How to Prepare for the Economic Collapse


Premiered Sep 22, 2021


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WATCH more Glenn Beck: There is an economic collapse of third-world proportions on America’s horizon. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden hinted at it in statements last week: “Capitalism … has not been serving our economy as well as it should” and “We’re about to … literally change the trajectory of our nation for years and possibly decades to come.” The changes the Democratic Party already has in the works are clearly destructive. You have felt it over the last year and a half, in a small supply chain inconvenience here, an incremental price rise there. You’ve sensed that something is very wrong. It’s rumblings of the Great Reset. Glenn heads to the chalkboard to break down how America’s traditional economic strengths are being severely undermined and, in many ways, systematically torn down by the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress. This is not “building back better”; this is a managed decline to bring America down to the rest of the world’s standard of living. Glenn challenges: Don’t let them convince you these are just first world problems. That’s the point. America IS a wealthy nation, but we are heading quickly into a second- and third-world collapse. Glenn provides solutions for the managed decline and how you can prepare for the reset that is already in motion. #blazetv #glennbeck #economiccollapse ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! ► Join BlazeTV! ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: Connect with us on Social Media:


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