Book- The Return: Trumps Big 2024 Comeback by Dick Morris and What’s Ahead in the Upcoming Presidential Primaries.

The Eric Metaxas Show

Dick Morris

 Jul 27 2022  

Dick Morris, political pundit extraordinaire, is in the studio for a don't-miss interview about, "The Return: Trumps Big 2024 Comeback."


Dick Morris (Part 2)

 Jul 28 2022  

Dick Morris continues his conversation about what's ahead in the upcoming presidential primaries, with ideas drawn from his new book, "The Return: Trumps Big 2024 Comeback."

The Eric Metaxas Show-


About the Book-

The Return: Trump's Big 2024 Comeback by Dick Morris

The Trump revolution cannot succeed without Trump.

Will he run in 2024? You bet he will. Will he be the GOP nominee? Absolutely. Will he win the election? Yes.The stakes of the next elections could not be higher. The Democrats won the election of 2020—sort of—and the disastrous consequences are already upon us. As he did in his 2016 New York Times best seller, Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary, renowned campaign strategist Dick Morris provides the road map for taking back the White House and the nation in this new book, The Return.

Conservatives must realize that there are new rules. Unless the right figures out how to beat the Democrats and the radical left under these new rules, freedom-loving Americans will lose again. Morris outlines his strategy for victory on three fronts:

Make sure more legal, eligible voters cast ballots for Republicans, and that their votes are not offset by a torrent of illegal ballots.

Our candidate in 2024 will be, and must be, Donald J. Trump. Accept no substitutes.

The winning message: The Democrats will transform America into a nation none of us will recognize by destroying social, cultural, economic, and political freedoms.

With the election of 2020, everything pundits knew—or thought they knew—is obsolete in this new era of massively higher turnout. Listen to The Return to find out how conservatives can take advantage of the new rules to make America great again!

Don’t look back America—take back America!


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