Alert! Inflation & Shortages at Critical Levels

Peak Prosperity

373K subscribers

The impacts to the average person from COVID will be dwarfed by the looming economic issues of inflation and shortages. Dr. Martenson will be discussing these issues live with other Peak Prosperity members this Saturday, June 19th, from 7-9 pm (EST). But first you'd have to be registered. For my YouTube listeners, we have a special offer found a this link: As your information scout, Dr. Chris Martenson will explain what inflation really is (so you can be smarter at parties) and explain where it really comes from. Importantly, the Federal Reserve’s claim that inflation will be “transitory” is almost certainly wrong. Inflation is rising — caused by printing too much money — and will both exacerbate and be exacerbated by shortages. Finally, in a global just-in-time economy, a missing critical raw or intermediate good can completely derail downstream manufacturing and delivery. But those can be solved for rather easily. Much more difficult are several missing components that potentially feed back into other critical manufacturing areas so that none can get going. At least not quickly or easily. Against this backdrop, the government continues to spend at record levels, creating record deficits, and the central banks continue to print and print and print. All they can show for their efforts, for sure, is a record wealth gap between the ultra-wealthy and everyone else. And that’s not good either. Links: Fed Balance sheet Chips & Farming Chips & Cars https://www-statista-com.proxy.librar... Pentobarbitol shortage Copper Transitory Inflation