Show 712 Documentary FahrenHYPE 9/11 


This is a an audio presentation of the film documentary FahrenHYPE 9/11


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FahrenHYPE 9/11 is a 2004 film that examines and challenges Michael Moore's documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11. The movie is narrated by Ron Silver. Dick Morris (who also receives a co-writing credit), appears frequently, and features exclusive interviews with David Frum, (then) Senator Zell Miller, political commentator Ann Coulter, and former Democratic New York City mayor Ed Koch.




Others appearing in the movie include:




Peter T. King


Frank Gaffney


Steve Emerson


Dave Kopel


Bill Sammon


Ann Coulter


Jason Clark


David Hardy


Peter Damon


Mike Cawley


Glenn Chastain


Logan Gregory


James Haddock


Julie Hanson


Andy Kenyon


Paul MacNamara


Samantha Madsen


Ed Sapp


The movie was released on October 5, 2004, the same day that Fahrenheit 9/11 was released on home video. It was released with a companion book.