Show 3105 Lightning Answers to Libertarian Questions.

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This ACU Show consists of 2 segments from The Tom Woods Show

Segment 1-

I was asked ten major questions of interest to libertarians and given 60 seconds to answer each. Fun! (I’m sharing my recent appearance on the Johnny Rocket Launch Pad, which has now been succeeded by Blast Off! with Johnny Rocket.)


Segment 2-

The U.S. Constitution: What Your Teacher Left Out

Here's a wide-ranging conversation full of the kind of info none of us got in school. When did the federal government first go off the rails? Does the Constitution do any good? (You may be surprised at my answer.) What is the role of the states in the American system? And lots more. Thanks to the Libertarian Christian Podcast for letting me use my appearance on their program.


Related Episodes from The Tom Woods Show

Ep. 1147 The Constitution Con
Ep. 787 The Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and “Limited Government” (Bill Watkins)
Ep. 663 Is the Constitution an Enemy of Liberty? (Sheldon Richman)
Ep. 323 Does the Constitution Bind Anyone?







Free Resources from Tom Woods!

1) Free guide on how to start your blog or website. Click here to get it. Plus, check out my step-by-step video taking you from no blog to a blog in about five minutes!

2) Free publicity for your blog. As a special thanks if you get your hosting through one of my affiliate links (this one for Bluehost, or this one for WP Engine), I’ll boost your blog. Click here for details.

3) Free History Course: The U.S. Presidents — Politically Incorrect Edition. Get access to this 22-lesson course: 22 videos, 22 mp3 files for listening on the go, and a bibliography of reliable books on the presidents. Get it at!.

4) $160 in Free Bonuses. Free signed copy of my New York Times bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, plus a free 10-lesson bonus course on the foundations of liberty, plus a free year’s subscription to, when you subscribe to the Ron Paul Curriculum site through


For a great archive of The Tom Woods Show visit-

The Tom Woods Show is highly recommended by ACU.