Show 3020 Capital Research Center Playlist Part 3

PolitiFact Fail, Politicization of Science, Private Sector Disaster Relief, CAIR's Islamic Radicalism, Architects of Disaster- Iran Treaty, E-Cigs and Joe Camel etc...

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Where is the Fact Checking? How PolitiFact and Others Have Failed Us | Matthew Vadum

Published on Mar 10, 2017

Our nation needs objective fact checking, but organizations such as PolitiFact and who have proclaimed themselves to be the arbiters of truth have proven themselves incorrect and biased time and time again. The Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum shows us how. Full Article:


The Politically Correct Narrative and Al Sharpton | Dr. Steven J. Allen

Published on Jan 13, 2017

Political correctness doesn't just shut down conversation, it's a form of deception. The Reverend Al Sharpton has been one of PC's biggest practitioners, and it has incited violence based on false information time and time again. Full Article:


Union of Concerned Scientists | Matthew Vadum

Published on May 18, 2017

Since 1969, UCS has been at the forefront of the politicization of science. Anti-military scientists and engineers, along with other so-called progressives, created the group that grew out of protests at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other schools across the nation. The Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum reports. Full Article:


Citizen Engagement Laboratory | Matthew Vadum

Published on Nov 18, 2016

Citizen Engagement Laboratory is a left-wing group funding a number of organizations opposed to traditional American values. The Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum has the details. Full Article:


Can The Private Sector Do Disaster Relief Better Than The Government? | Melodie J. Bowler

Published on Nov 8, 2016

During Hurricane Katrina, government relief utterly failed New Orleans, but during disasterous flooding earlier this year, private citizens were able to step up where government couldn't. The Capital Research Center's Melodie J. Bowler reports. If you liked this video, read the full article on our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Full Article:


Language in Politics: How Bureaucrats Use Poorly Defined Terms to Expand Government Power

Published on Oct 31, 2016

The language we use can have a decisive impact on our nation's political conversation. The Capital Research Center's Dr. Steven J. Allen teaches us how Americans are misled daily by improper use of language. If you liked this video, please visit our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Website:


Keeping Up With CAIR's Islamic Radicalism | Matthew Vadum

Published on Oct 18, 2016

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is a civil rights group for Muslim-Americans, but it has a dark history of being tied to terrorism. The Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum reports on this dangerous organization with ties to U.S. politicians. If you liked this video, read the full article on our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Full Article:


Architects of Disaster: The White House's Iran Treaty Echo Chamber | Matthew Vadum

Published on Oct 12, 2016

How did the White House manage to ram through the Iran Nuclear Treaty? Private foundations spent a lot of money on shaping public option. The Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum reports on how they did it. If you liked this video, read the full article on our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Full Article:


E-Cigs and Joe Camel | Dr. Steven J. Allen

Published on Oct 5, 2016

Our government is using the same tactics to restrict e-cigs that they used for tobacco in the 90's, but what if one of the landmark accusations in regards to tobacco marketing actually wasn't true? The Capital Research Center's Dr. Steven J. Allen reports. If you liked this video, read the full article on our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Full Article:


The Community Garden That is So Much More | Melodie J. Bowler

Published on Sep 26, 2016

How do you help a community bond and learn to care for itself? The Capital Research Center's Melodie J. Bowler shows us how community gardens can help teach self-sufficiency. If you liked this video, read the full article on our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Full Article:


Black Lives Matter: Racist Provocation with Radical Roots | Matthew Vadum

Published on Sep 20, 2016

Of course black lives matter, but is that all the Black Lives Matter movement is about? The Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum elaborates on Black Lives Matter's history and ideological heritage. If you liked this video, read the full article on our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Full Article:


The E-Cigarette Ban: A Win for Liars and Big Tobacco | Dr. Steven J. Allen

Published on Sep 14, 2016

In May 2016, the Food and Drug Administration announced that it was assuming regulatory power over electronic cigarettes. Will this improve American's health, or make it worse? The Capital Research Center's Dr. Steven J. Allen has the answer. If you liked this video, read the full article on our website, subscribe to us on YouTube, Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Full article:

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