Show 1816 Prager University Part 25

This ACU show consists of 14 five minute segments from Prager University.

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Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings

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Why does it seem as if America's college campuses have totally lost it? Well, because they have. In short, feelings now rule facts, and victims are heroes. But here's a fact: If you're a college student in the United States, you're almost certainly NOT a victim. Ben Shapiro explains why.


What's a Quarter-Life Crisis?  

You've heard of the midlife crisis. But have you heard of the quarter-life crisis? It hits millions of young professionals like a brick. Former White House Press Secretary and Fox News host Dana Perino knows exactly what it feels like. She also has some great advice for how to get through it.


Over 60 Million People Have Seen a PragerU Video! Here's Why.

Over 60 million people have watched a PragerU video. That's how PragerU has changed how Americans and people around the world view socialism, capitalism, and the proper role of government. Watch this short video to see just how big PragerU's impact is. DONATE to PragerU today!


What's Wrong with E-Cigarettes?

Are e-cigarettes a safe alternative to cigarettes? Could they help millions of smokers quit smoking? If so, why would anti-tobacco activists oppose e-cigarettes? Get the truth about e-cigarettes in this short video.

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The American Flag: A Symbol of Hate Speech on Campuses?

Is the U.S. flag a symbol of hate speech? That's what documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz wanted to find out when he went to UC Irvine, where the student government tried to ban displays of the flag in a main thruway. Watch and be amazed as Ami interviews the student who spearheaded the flag ban.

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Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

When people think of humanity's greatest evils, why is "communism" rarely mentioned? After all, it has caused more suffering than any other ideology, including Nazism. Watch Dennis Prager's account of communism's horrific legacy.


Where Are the Moderate Muslims?

After every terrorist attack, politicians and pundits reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true beliefs of the "moderate Muslim majority." But how many moderates are there? And what exactly does "moderate" mean? Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains.


American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal

American Indians are the poorest of all of America's ethnic groups. Why? After all, the government has granted them massive reservations and created entire agencies to look after them. Well, maybe that's why. Naomi Schaefer Riley, author of "The New Trail of Tears," explains.


How Regulations Hurt Small Businesses

What do McDonald's, 7-Eleven, and Subway have in common? They're all franchisors that license franchises to small business people, who in turn employ countless Americans. But the federal government is endangering this hugely successful business model. Learn how in this short video.


Why Special Needs Students Want School Choice

Every student with special needs deserves a good education, right? So why are so many of them stuck in public schools that can't meet their needs? Jake Olson, a blind student at USC, explains why school choice is the right choice for students with special needs.


The Least Diverse Place in America

What is the least diverse place in America? It's the institution that most actively seeks racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural diversity: the college campus! Colleges want students to look different, but think the same. Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, explains.


How This Government Agency Hurts Us All

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a recently created federal agency. But what does it do? Who is it supposed to help? Is it protecting or hurting consumers? Should we even keep it around? Learn more in this short video.


Calling Good People "Racist" Isn't New: the Case of Ty Cobb

Ruining someone's name is very easy. So is calling them a "racist." Take the case of Ty Cobb, one of the greatest baseball players ever. Cobb is known as a racist and a dirty ballplayer. Is it true? Charles Leerhsen, author of "Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty" sets the record straight.


How Socialism Ruined My Country

Is Bernie Sanders right? Are people living under socialism better off? Brazil is a good case study. Felipe Moura Brasil, a journalist and Veja magazine columnist, explains how his country has fared under socialism.


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