Show 1204 Documentary- The Gift of Life.

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THE GIFT OF LIFE, hosted by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, explores the sanctity of life as a moral issue and looks at the lives of individuals who were nearly the victims of an abortion, but through God's grace were spared. Some went on to great accomplishments. Some may be your neighbors and friends. These stories are all around us. They help us define the culture of life.


THE GIFT OF LIFE also profiles leaders in the Pro-Life movement; those who believe that all other issues pale in comparison to whether we respect and honor others in the same way we want to be treated. Historically, America has been a shining example of a culture that respects life. But with the Roe v. Wade decision, we, as a society, exchanged our sense of responsibility toward human life for a greater heralding of the right to terminate it.


There is inherent and intrinsic worth and value in every human life regardless of that person's age, stature, functional capacity, ancestry, personal assets, last name, level of education, or occupation. Contempt and indifference toward any life can become contempt and indifference toward every life, including our own.



1 hr 11 min | 2011