John Stossel- Bankrupting America, The Poetry of Joe Biden, FreedomToons, Stossel on China's Tech Totalitarianism.


Bankrupting America

John Stossel

America's politicians passed more than $2 trillion in spending to keep the economy afloat during the virus pandemic. ---- Don't miss a single video from Stossel TV. Sign up here: ---- America probably can't afford it. Our federal debt is now where Greece’s debt was just before it’s peak financial crisis. Unemployment there hit 27%. Greece got bailed out, but nobody will bail America out. So how will America pay off its debt? There are really three options: -- Default -- Print money -- Raise taxes All are awful choices. In the video above, I go through each, and confront Congressman Warren Davidson about how America got to this point.



The Poetry of Joe Biden

Watch the video at-

Daily Caller News Foundation

Joe Biden's strangest saying applied with smooth jazz and cigarettes.



Oh No Joe! Biden Has Complete Mental Breakdown on CNN | Sara Gonzales Unfiltered


Oh No Joe! It seems that every day, Joe Biden's mental decline becomes more and more obvious to everyone (except maybe the DNC). This week, Biden couldn't string together a couple sentences during television interviews - even while reading notes! Sara Gonzales asks: Does Joe Biden have any business being in this race against President Trump, or is it time for Joe Biden to GO HOME? WATCH more Sara Gonzales Unfiltered: ► Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV on Youtube! ►Click HERE to join BlazeTV! ► JOIN our NEWSLETTER - Connect with us on Social Media:



China's Tech Totalitarianism

John Stossel

If China really does have coronavirus under control, the dictators will claim their creepy "social credit score” system helped. ---- Don't miss a single video from Stossel TV. Sign up here: ---- China spies on every citizen, learning everyone's political leanings, shopping history and social interactions. They use that to give everyone a trust score. Your score drops if you criticize the government, or do things like play lot of video games, watch pornography or have friends with low social credit scores. China punishes people who behave “badly” by doing things like slowing their internet speed, or banning them from trains. A faceless bureaucrat, or sometimes a computer, decides if a person is guilty. "It is a big deal," says Li Schoolland, a Chinese-American libertarian activist. "First [you lose] your job, or you never get promoted... and your children cannot get to good schools," Schoolland told Stossel. China's government boasts about its social credit system, saying it is designed to “allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven, while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step.” See the video above for more on how their system works.


Corony Capitalism: Big Bailouts!

FreedomToons - Please donate to help us make more! - dondate here if you prefer to use paypal! We done got a big financial crisis on our hands and our usual hero is here-0 to solve the problem and save the day! Strap in and ride along with Jason, Social Contractor (Er, I mean "Governman") and your favorite video debunking billionaires as we explore this big bad bailout Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by - Kubbi Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 ... Music provided by Audio Library sauces:

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