John Stossel and FreedomToons.

A Better School

Gun on Human Violence

How Socialism Killed Venezuela

Gun on Human Violence

The SMIRKening

Dr. Mac Vs A*t-Right

This week in stupid

PC Christmas Carol 2

Noah's Ark 2018

The Liberal Push to Sexualize Children

Eighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book


A Better School.

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John Stossel

3 million kids (mostly boys) are given medication that’s supposed to make them sit still and focus. But what if schools, not kids, are the problem? Published on Feb 12, 2019

One former public school student, Cade Summers, tells John Stossel that he hated the effect of the drugs -- that it was like he had been "lobotomized." Cade’s parents took him off the “attention deficit” drugs and sent him to other schools. But Cade hated them all. "I would come home and I would sometimes just cry," Cade tells Stossel. Then he heard of a new type of school in Austin, Texas. It promised to let kids discuss ideas, and to do real-world work. But the school, the Academy of Thought and Industry, is a private school that charges tuition. So Cade started getting up at 3AM to work in a coffee shop to help pay the tuition. What kind of school could possibly be worth that to a kid? The school's founder, Michael Strong, says kids learn best when they are given actual responsibility, real life work. "Teens need responsibility ... Ben Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, started their careers at the age of 12 or 13," he points out. Nowadays people consider that abusive child labor, Stossel notes. "I worked as a teen," Strong said. "I loved it. Teens very often want to work." Strong's schools do many things differently. Students get Fridays off to work on their own projects. School starts at 10am. There are no lectures -- instead students read, and then discuss what they read. That’s different from schools Strong once attended--and hated. "School is 13 years of how to be passive, how to be dependent," Strong tells Stossel. "School is about aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, and never get stuff done. So I want students who just go out there and get stuff done, fail, get up, try again. That's how we become creators, entrepreneurs ... We want them to do what they love now." For Cade, that meant doing a marketing internship Fridays, where he did actual work. When he completed Strong's school, he got a job right away -- at a tech startup that normally requires a college degree. Another Academy graduate runs a successful metal music festival called "Austin Terror Fest.” All kids at Strong's schools work on some kind of project. "I'm currently working on making a web-based chat application," one boy told us. "I wanna be a programmer. I love programming". A girl at the school works at a paintball range on weekends. "If they love paintball, then they should do a business in that,” says Strong. Most of his students also end up going to college. Strong points out, “We've had students admitted to top liberal arts colleges. Bard, Bennington..." "Of course they do well," Stossel interrupts. "You're charging fat tuition. Only rich kids can afford to go there and they're going to do well." "The kind of kids that we get come from all walks of life," Strong responds. "We had a student from New Jersey... he was incapable of functioning in the highly structured public school systems ... in the public schools needed a full time aide ... He was costing the state an enormous amount of money. He came to our school ... He did not need an aide." "Coming here is just healing. It's incredible," that student, Josh, told us. Strong hopes his schools will be a model for other schools that let kids learn through real world work. That approach works so much better for some kid that they willingly wake up at 3am to go to work to help pay tuition. "It was me choosing my life," Cade says.

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Selections from FreedomToons

Watch these videos at YouTube. Highly Recommended.

Gun on Human Violence

How Socialism Killed Venezuela

Gun on Human Violence

The SMIRKening

Dr. Mac Vs A*t-Right

This week in stupid

PC Christmas Carol 2

Noah's Ark 2018 - Please donate to help us make more! -One time donation?? \SAUCES:


The Liberal Push to Sexualize Children.

Mark Collett

Published on Jan 25, 2019

Exposing the push by the liberal establishment and the mainstream media to sexualize children.

You can now donate to my work via Streamlabs: You can also donate to my work via bitcoin: 3MdrC2qWpQsoR76cGYiWKofZegkJAceGMR The LGBT Agenda is Helping to Normalise Paedophilia Drag Queens Invited into British Primary Schools My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions. The Official Website: FREE eBook download: Hardback Edition: Paperback Edition:



Eighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book.

Published on Feb 13, 2019

Thank you for watching. Have a nice day! ABOUT: Eighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay and living in the closet, according to an explosive new book to be published next week.The 570-page expose, titled In the Closet of the Vatican, claims that four in five clerics in the Roman Catholic Church are homosexuals - but aren't necessarily sexually active.French sociologist and journalist Frederic Martel, who spent four years conducting 1,500 interviews for the book, found that some priests maintained discreet long term relationships, while others lived double lives having casual sex with gay partners and using male prostitutes.He found that a number of clerics spoke of an unspoken code of the 'closet', with one rule of thumb being that the more homophobic they were, the more likely they were gay.The author, a former adviser to the French government, claims the late Alfonso López Trujillo - a Colombian cardinal who held senior roles in the Vatican - was an arch-defender of the church's teaching on homosexuality and contraception while using male prostitutes, according to Catholic website the Tablet.The book is a 'startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican', according to British publisher Bloomsbury.In its marketing material, Bloomsbury claims the book 'reveals secrets' about celibacy, misogyny and plots against Pope Francis.But critics of the book said 'it is not always easy to tell when Martel is trafficking in fact, rumour, eyewitness accounts

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