Show 3191. Documentary- Journey toward creation.

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Journey Toward Creation

For any person who has ever pondered the possibility of life on other planets, astronomer and author Dr. High Ross traverses the solar system and blasts past distant galaxies to the time when light was born to show just how unique mankind is in the universe. In stark contrast to the few parameters though needed for life on other planets in the 1960s and the resulting excitement of Carl Sagan and other like-minded astronomers at the prospect of finding a life-sustaining planet situated near a particularly large star, decades of scientific research have revealed that the list of elements required to nurture life in the vast reaches of outer space is no less than staggering. With this release, Dr. Ross presents astronomical evidence indicating that the universe may be particularly fine tuned to human life, and created by an intelligent being intent on creating the perfect natural environment in which mankind can thrive.