Ben Shapiro, Mike Gallagher. 2 Books- Big Tech Overlords Using AI, The War On Cops and Ben Shapiro Answers Every Pro-Abortion Argument.

Craig Stanfill, Computer Scientist, Author of "Terms of Service"

Heather Mac Donald, Author of “The War On Cops”

Ben Shapiro Obliterates Every Pro-Abortion Argument


The Mike Gallagher Backstage Pass

Craig Stanfill, Computer Scientist, Author of "Terms of Service"

Craig Stanfill is a computer scientist and a software engineer. He is the author of his new book which is called “Terms of Service”. Craig joins Mike to discuss what “Terms of Service” is all about. Craig dives into how artificial intelligence can be used by the Big Tech overlords to monitor everything we post on social media. There seems to be a “Big Brother component” to all that we do on these Big Tech platforms. Also, Craig discusses how Big Tech censorship is affecting us nowadays when it comes to people being censored for sharing certain points of view on Covid or other things. Sep 09 2021 


The Mike Gallagher Backstage Pass

Heather Mac Donald, Author of “The War On Cops”

 Aug 23 2021

Heather Mac Donald is an American conservative political commentator, essayist, attorney, and author. She is a Thomas W. Smith Fellow of the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of the institute's City Journal. She has written numerous editorials and is the author of several books including “The War On Cops” and “The Diversity Delusion”. Heather joins Mike to tackle the myth that is "systemic police racism". Heather dives into the data that proves police are not disproportionately killing people of color. She also describes how the Left thinks that crime is a racist fiction.


Ben Shapiro Obliterates Every Pro-Abortion Argument (Send This To Your Pro-Choice Friends)


The Daily Wire

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Ben Shapiro’s best exchanges with college leftists, feminists, and doctors on the issue of abortion. Warning: This video features graphic imagery. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date on all of our future content.