Tis the season to decorate that ol' pine and then throw it on the curb. That's right, the hottest trend in America this week is noneother than tossin' out that ol' tannenbaum.

To get to the bottom of this trend, we sit down with Donald, the friendly neighborhood garbagman. No one's busier than Donald these days, but with great success come some unfortunate side effects. Then, later in the show, we speak to one of the world's strongest advocates for deceased trees, when we talk to Cat Eyebrows. Be sure to tune in, because things do not necessarily go as planned, but hey, that's radio.

This weeks' episode also features a visit from our good friend, and Parade Magazine's technology columnist, Dermitt Countertop. He's here to show us a few cool new tricks and toys to help throw out your Christmas tree this year.Of course, once again we take a look at this week's news, and, as always, our twitter trend check-in of the week. All that and more than you can fit in a stocking, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week on America Won't Shut Up!

Our guests this week are Rob Michael Hugel (@robmichaelhugel) and Shannon Coffey (@coffeys). You can find them both on the internet making videos separately and together. They are great. Don't believe me? Bing dot com it. 

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