Have someplace your planning to meet a small or large group of family or friends? Then I'm sure you're already planning to get there super early and use your coat, jacket, or lady blazer to save one, two or even seven chairs as people everywhere are just gab, gabbin' away about this fun activity!

To get to the bottom of this trend, we talk to the world record holder for the most seats save with one jacket, Dorian Williams. Dorian, of course, is currently facing numerous cheating accusations, and may soon be forced to resign from the charitable organization he co-founded. We'll then talk to the founder of Sitizens Against Saving Seats (SASS), and advocate for saving seat restrictions, Josh Pigg. Josh has a quite a heartbreaking story to tell. You won't want to miss it.

This week's episode also features another visit from our Gadget Guru, and Parade Magazine's technology columnist, Dermitt Countertop. If you haven't already bought a new seat saving jacket, this is the place to find a whole handful of great, sleeved options. As always, we'll have a look at this week's headlines, talk at length about people who won't just go find another seat, and, of course, music from the Foo Fighters. This week on America Won't Shut Up!

Our guests this week are Shaun Diston and James Dwyer. Shaun (@shaundiston) would love for you to check out his podcast, The Shauncast, available on iTunes. James (@jamesbdwyer) doesn't really have a strong opinion either way when it comes to whether or not you check out The Shauncast.

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