From tiny smooches to big, wet french ones, this week, people will not stop blabbing about putting lips together with another human being.

To get to the bottom of this trend, we talk to the Founder of NKOTB (No Kissing on the Bouche) and anti-kissing advocate, Lissa Braxton. Also this hour, we'll talk to Brad Garreth, who fronts a Kiss cover band, only this band of men covers famous movie kisses and not the music of the similarly-named rock band.

Also on this week's show, Jason and his wife don't kiss as much as they used to, Pat's two daughters kiss each other, but not like that, and we're paid yet another visit from our good friend who you know as Hank Schlitz, but we, of course, know him only as The BeFuddler. All that, plus music from the Foo Fighters: this week, on America Won't Shut Up!

This week's episode stars Jamie Lee (@thejamielee) and Dan Black (@dblackattack). You can find Dan performing at the UCB Theatre in NYC, with his group Death by Roo Roo. Jamie, of course, is a stand-up comedian who you can soon find on MTV's Girl Code, which premieres April 23rd at 10:30 after Awkward. Check. It. Out.

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