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We talk about the history of how alcatraz went from just and island, to a military prison, to a federal prison, and then a cultural center for native americans that established an occupation on the island. 



“Alcatraz Origins” by the Federal Bureau of Prisons

“The Rock” Volume I by the Improvement Fund, Pacific Branch United States Disciplinary Barracks

“Alcatraz-World War II in the San Francisco Bay Area: A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary” by National Park Services

“Boarding School Seasons” by Brenda J. Child

“Full History” and “Alcatraz Escape Attempts” by the Alcatraz History website

“Alcatraz” by the website

“Alcatraz! Alcatraz! The Indian Occupation of 1969-1971” by Adam Fortunate Eagle

“The Occupation of Alcatraz” by Troy Johnson