Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust Executive Director Pete Ielmini was the first of three featured guests on today’s edition of America’s Work Force Union Podcast. Ielmini spoke to listeners about safety in construction and how it has changed over the years, the benefits of having a union presence on a jobsite and the increase in safety on larger construction projects.


The second guest that spoke with host Ed “Flash” Ferenc was also from the Mechanical Insulators LMCT. Mechanical Insulators LMCT Deputy Director Gina Walsh spoke about an often overlooked topic; tradeswomen and women in construction. She discussed how the presence of women in the trades grows every year and spoke about the North American Building Trades Union yearly conference, the Tradeswomen Build Nations Conference.


Our third and final guest on this installment of AWF Union Podcast was Tyler Longpine, Political Director for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Longpine spoke about the Teamsters push to get their members registered to vote, hosting virtual events and meetings to encourage their members to vote and presidential pledges.