President of the Ohio Federation of Teachers, Melissa Cropper, joined America’s Work Force Union Podcast to share updates about legislature impacting teachers in Ohio. Cropper discussed a proposed rule by the Federal Trade Commission to ban non-compete clauses with workers. Cropper shared how some teachers, mostly those in the Charter school system, have been impacted by non-compete clauses. She then discussed the issues the state faces with the Fair School Funding Plan and expanded charter school vouchers being implemented. Cropper also warned that the democratic process could be impacted by passing Ohio’s Senate Bill 1.


Stephen Rumburg, Business Manager and President of International Union of Operating Engineers Local 465, joined America’s Work Force Union Podcast. Rumburg discussed the dynamics of managing an area covering North and South Carolina. He shared the difficulties he’s faced trying to organize in two of the least union friendly states and the successes they’ve had in growing membership recently. The push for renewable energy has Local 465 working with the North and South Carolina Building and Construction Trades Councils to unionize much of that work.