April Lott, Vice President of the South Carolina AFL-CIO and President of the American Federation of Government Employees Local 3627, joined America’s Work Force Union Podcast. Lott spoke of the uphill battle she faces, not just from the anti-labor rhetoric but also as a black female in a union in South Carolina, the state with the lowest labor density. Despite the negatives, Lott said she is excited to work with a younger generation that wants to join a union. With new industries moving in to South Carolina, Lott is positive their attempts to increase union membership will be successful.


Tom Buffenbarger, America’s Work Force Union Podcast’s independent labor voice, joined the AWF Union podcast to discuss his time with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM). Buffenbarger shared a story from when he first realized he would be a machinist and tool and die maker. He joined IAM as an apprentice while working for General Electric, followed by a rapid rise that eventually led to becoming IAM’s youngest international president. Buffenbarger also shared some of the stories and successes from his time as President of IAM.