Who Ya Gonna Call?

The AHH Crew is back and breaking down one of their most anticipated releases of the year, Jason Reitman's Ghostbusters: Afterlife! This is yet another "legacy sequel" that simultaneously scratches that nostalgic itch and tells a compelling new story in the Ghostbusters world. Tune in for a full review.

But first, Mike, Kat & Andrew will be attending The Fright Before Christmas haunted attraction at Fright Kingdom in Nashua, NH!

#Ghostbusters #GhostbustersAfterlife #BillMurray #DanAykroyd #HaroldRaimis #ErnieHudson #SigourneyWeaver #AnniePotts #McKennaGrace #PaulRudd #CarrieCoon #FinnWolfhard #IvanReitman #FrightKingdom #TheFrightBeforeChristmas #NashuaNH #HauntedAttractions #HauntedAttraction #NewEnglandHauntedAttractions #HauntedHouse #NHHaunt #Haunt #AHHPod #AmericasHometownHorror #PlymouthMA

Music: Dank Halloween by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com