Why workers rights’ is an issue for all of us. And Bill Press on what it took to finally pass an infrastructure bill

Terri Gerstein on how better conditions for workers can make life better for all of us. Plus Bill Press with Representative Don Beyer (D VA) on what’s actually in the recently passed infrastructure bill. 

Terri Gerstein

The pandemic is advancing our understanding that when workers are subjected to poor working conditions, we are all less safe.

Terri Gerstein says a broad based investment in workers’ rights is an investment in our collective well being and security. 

Don Beyer

Bill Press talks  with Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) about the recently passed infrastructure bill. If you'd like to hear the entire episode, visit BillPressPods.com. 

Jim Hightower

Why Did the Democrat Lose Virginia’s Gubernatorial Race?


Here they come again – That gaggle of Washington politicos and pundits who keep assailing Joe Biden’s package of FDRish proposals that, at long last, would begin lifting up America’s infrastructure and working class.


“Too big,” screech these small thinkers and servants of the plutocratic order, “too costly, and … well, too democratic.” You would expect such adamant minginess from anti-everything Republicans – but these are Democrats!