Why we should rethink voting rights. An alternative history of the Constitution. Plus Bill Press on what’s in store in the newest Supreme Court term.


Elections expert Amel Ahmed makes the case for voting as a positive right. Author John F. Kowal on how people have made our Constitution more democratic. Plus Bill Press with NBC News Justice Correspondent Pete Williams.

Amel Ahmed

The passage of H.R.1 would mark a necessary advance in defense of the right to vote.  But does that go far enough? Amel Ahmed says more can be done to go on the offense in the struggle over voting rights. 

John F. Kowal

In his new book, co-author John F. Kowal tells the story of how 200 years of constitutional amendments have made our founding document more inclusive and more democratic. It’s a history, he says, with great relevance for today.   

Pete Williams

Bill Press talks with Pete Williams of NBC News on what to expect as the Supreme Court opens its momentous new term. If you'd like to hear the entire episode, visit BillPressPods.com. 

Jim Hightower

Why Would We Let Wall Street “Care For” Our Pets?


Question: What does a packet of M&M’s and your local veterinarian have in common? Answer: Both are owned by Mars Inc., the global candy monopolist.


Since the 1980s, we’ve seen massive consolidations in industry after industry – from airlines to newspapers, the internet to candy. These monopolists run roughshod over consumers, workers, communities, suppliers, and our nation’s commitment to the Common Good.