What the data says about how Democrats can win in 2022. The progressive case for canceling student debt. Plus Bill Press on why one journalist chose to walk from DC to New York City. 


Data scientist David Shor and on why Democrats need to connect with a changing electorate. Researcher Charlie Eaton on why student loan forgiveness would benefit those with the least wealth. Plus Bill Press with journalist Neil King on his nearly 300 mile walk through American history.

David Shor 

David Shor is a political data scientist and Democratic strategist. Looking ahead to 2022, he says shifts in the traditional Democratic electorate will require progressives to find the messaging that can reach across ideological divides.

Charlie Eaton

A college degree has long held the promise of being the great equalizer.  But student debt is only serving to widen inequality. That’s why researcher Charlie Eaton says ending student debt is a powerful and progressive way to advance economic equity.

Neil King

Bill Press with journalist Neil King on what you can learn by walking through America. If you'd like to hear the entire episode, visit BillPressPods.com.

Jim Hightower

Is Your Governor Part Of The GOP’s Border Stunt?


Herd immunity is important in stopping deadly viruses, but in politics, the herd instinct can send a whole species over a cliff.


Witness the frenzied herd of Republican governors now stampeding behind the scaremongering scheme of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to use the personal suffering of Latin-American migrants and asylum seekers as political pawns. Rather than helping find a humane solution to the very real plight of these desperate Latin people, various governors are following Abbott in confronting the migrating families with “Keep-Out” military-style force.