There are two tax systems, one for the rich, and one for the rest of us.


Donald Trump is certainly a figure of unique notoriety, but his manipulation of tax law is simply one window into the way the wealthy avoid paying their fair share. This week, we look at what his case can teach us about the 1 percent more broadly—and at one solution that might make American taxation more equitable.

David Cay Johnston 

David Cay Johnston has spent years reporting on Donald Trump’s business practices, and on the inequities of the U.S. tax code. He says reporting from the New York Times on Trump’s taxes offers greater proof of two tax systems, separate and unequal. 

Emmanuel Saez

Economist Emmanuel Saez studies wealth and income inequality around the world. His book argues that the American economy isn’t working for half of the nation and makes the case for a tax system that is truly progressive.

Jim Hightower


The Corporatization of Pet Care: Animal Cruelty?


For many people, the animals they adopt and love become more like family members than pets. We have deep relationships, with cats, dogs, parrots, goats, horses, and other fellow critters – who at least pretend to love us back, providing comfort and joy all around.


Sadly though, life for all of us animals is a spin around the wheel of fortune, so illness and injuries happen. That’s why one of the most valued members of every community are the staffers in our local veterinarian's office.

Bill Press

"A Catastrophic Event in Food." With Amb. Cindy McCain


Cindy McCain is the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture which leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security. She is the widow of former Arizona senator and 2008 Republican nominee for President, John McCain. In 2020 she endorsed Joe Biden for president. She has a long history with helping people in need. From 1988 to 1995, she founded and operated a nonprofit organization, the American Voluntary Medical Team, which organized trips by medical personnel to disaster-stricken or war-torn third-world areas.


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