The one thing Trump manufactured successfully… “Former Republicans”


Revisiting our interview with Author Rick WIlson on his book “Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever.”


Rick Wilson

The presidency of Donald Trump has brought discord to a party known for its political discipline as critics within the GOP take aim at a President they feel is destroying their party. Among them is Rick Wilson.  Never one to mince words, his book is a scathing critique of Donald Trump.

Jim Hightower


Beware: The GOP Has Chosen to Embrace The Crazy


Perhaps you remember Sen. Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s fringy, far-right-wing 1964 presidential nominee who famously said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” Today, however, the core of the Republicans Party has gone so far beyond the fringe that they would boo Goldwater’s right-wingism as insufficiently rabid. Instead, their new rallying cry is: “Nuttiness in the defense of extremism is no vice.”

Bill Press

SCOTUS: "Outrageous. Aggressive."


Bill and his guest Elizabeth Wydra runs down the major and disastrous decisions from this Supreme Court. Wydra is the Constitutional Accountability Center’s President. From 2008-2016, she served as its Chief Counsel. Throughout her tenure she has filed more than 200 briefs on behalf of the Constitutional Accountability Center and clients, which include preeminent constitutional scholars and historians, state and local government organizations, groups such as the League of Women Voters and the AARP, and members of Congress.


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