Raise the minimum wage.


Revisiting some of the conversations we have had about raising the minimum wage.

David Cooper

Progressive Democrats have made raising the minimum wage a priority for the new administration. And for a good reason.  David Cooper says a $15 minimum wage would lift pay for tens of millions of workers and help reverse decades of growing pay inequality.

Janelle Jones

Economic analyst Janelle Jones says a higher minimum wage is a crucial tool in bridging our nation’s widening income inequality gap  And in the face of federal inaction, cities and states are setting up to the plate.

Jim Hightower


Whip Inflation Now!


Republican politicos are all over Joe Biden for failing to stop inflation. Perhaps you wonder, though, what these squawkers would do if they were in charge?


No need to wonder – just look back to 1974, when Americans were being pummeled by price spikes that topped 12%, nearly double what we’re enduring today. But by Gollies, President Gerald Ford and his Republican contingent in Congress met the challenge head-on with a new magical program of economic uplift they called WIN – Whip Inflation Now!

Bill Press

Trump's Washington and The Price Of Submission


Mark Leibovich is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller This Town. His new book, Thank You for Your Servitude, DONALD TRUMP'S WASHINGTON AND THE PRICE OF SUBMISSION is the eyewitness account of how the GOP collaborated with Donald Trump to transform Washington’s “swamp” into a gold-plated hot tub—and a onetime party of rugged individualists into a sycophantic personality cult. A long time New York Times writer, he is now at the Atlantic, in part, he says, because he can use profanity there. 


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