How Biden’s plan for economic recovery could lead to more affordable health care for all Americans. Why humor matters in politics. Plus, Bill Press on what happens when science mixes with politics.


Health care advocate Laura Packard on why it's time to build American health care back better.  Former secretary of agriculture Dan Glickman on his new book Laughing at Myself.  Plus, Bill Press with Philip Bump, National Correspondent for the Washington Post, on pandemic politics.

Laura Packard

President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda includes critical provisions that would expand and improve health care. If the bill passes, health care activist Laura Packard says it will be a game-changer.

Dan Glickman 

In his new autobiography, Dan Glickman describes a long and successful career in public service that took him from the heartland of America to the halls of power in Washington, DC. He says that critical to his success has been a willingness to laugh at himself, work across the aisle, and compromise.

Philip Bump

Bill Press talks with Philip Bump, on how Donald Trump stoked the pandemic response into a  Republican partisan issue. If you'd like to hear the entire episode, visit

Jim Hightower

Where’s the “Dignity of Work” When Work Kills Workers?


Corporate acolytes and right-wing moralists constantly preach to laboring stiffs about the uplifting dignity of work.


Of course, that’s “dignity” as defined and controlled by corporate elites, not by workers, and the reward for it frequently includes on-the-job injuries… and death. Not that CEOs and well-heeled investors intend to sicken, maim, and kill thousands of laborers every year – but they certainly do put them in positions that assure such unhappy results.