Congress took a step forward on healthcare costs, but there is much more left to do.


Steve Knievel on his 3 pillars to improve our healthcare system.

Steve Knievel 

Steve Knievel is an advocate for Public Citizen’s Access to Medicines program, focusing on expanding affordable access to medicines. They say that to help stop Big Pharma’s price gouging in the U.S., Congress must listen to the American public, ignore the pharmaceutical industry’s high-paid lobbyists and finally pass legislation granting Medicare the authority to negotiate drug prices.

Jim Hightower


How to get Congress to reform our broken healthcare system


For $3.5 Trillion a year, shouldn’t we Americans have a world-class healthcare system? Yet, while we spend the most of any advanced nation in the world to get care (more than $10,000 a year per person), we get the worst results.


No surprise then, that the “Medicare-for-All” idea is now backed by 85 percent of Democrats, 66 percent of Independents, and (get this) 52 percent of Republicans! So… why isn’t Congress responding to this overwhelming public demand for universal coverage?


Elizabeth Wydra

The Dangerous Supreme Court


Lot's of well-deserved focus on Justice Breyer's retirement and the certainty of a Black female nominee from Biden. But it will not change the hard-right Court. The upcoming decisions on Roe v Wade, Affirmative Action, and the power of the Federal Government to regulate health and safety are all under attack and likely to change America for the worse. 


Elizabeth Wydra is the President of the Constitutional Accountability Center, a non-partisan progressive organization. It seeks to get the public and judges to understand the Constitution, in its most vital respects, is a progressive document.


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