Building state-level progressivism.


In continuing our effort to examine power at the state and local level, we look at two case studies: The state senates in Colorado and Kansas, and how progressive agendas were devised and executed in each. 

Jessie Ulibarri 

Former Colorado state senator Jessie Ulibarri talks about building progressive power in statehouses.

Anthony Hensley

Then-Kansas state senate minority leader Anthony Hensley tells us about a bipartisan effort to roll back a statewide tax cut from five years prior. 

Jim Hightower


Now, Robots are Coming for White-Collar Jobs


In CorporateSpeak, there are no “job cuts.” Instead, firings are blandly referred to as “employment adjustments.”


Now, though, corporate wordsmiths will need a whole new thesaurus of euphemisms, for masses of job cuts are coming for employees in the higher echelons of the corporate structure. Don’t look now, but an unanticipated result of the ongoing pandemic is that it has given cover for CEOs to speed up the adoption of highly-advanced RPAs (Robotic Process Automation) to replace employees once assumed to be immune from displacement.

John Bolton

Why Did Putin Wait?


John Bolton had unimpeachable Republican and Conservative credentials. Until he went to work for Donald Trump as his National Security Advisor. It did not go well as he detailed in his book, The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir. Bolton and Bill discuss the current situation in Ukraine and Trump's attitudes toward Russia, Ukraine and Vladimir Putin.


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