Thanksgiving reflections on America’s food supply and the theocracy that one author says governs the “land of our pilgrims’ pride.”

As the nation celebrates Thanksgiving, professor Robert Paarlberg summarizes the politics of food in a country where obesity may be more of a problem than hunger. This year, Thanksgiving coincides with Hanukkah -- and the role of God and religion in our civic life is the subject of a provocative interview with Sean Faircloth, a former legislator from Maine and an advocate of strict separation of church and state. And Bill Press interviews California Congressman Sam Farr.

Robert Paarlberg

Robert Paarlberg is an expert on food. In addition to summarizing the science and  politics of food production, he notes that the biggest health threat from American agriculture is not on the farm or in the labs of Monsanto but in our own kitchens.

Sean Faircloth

Church and state expert Sean Faircloth – he wants to separate them – reminds us on Thanksgiving that despite the prayers we might offer privately, the only reference to religion in the Constitution is its exclusion.

Sam Farr

Bill Press and his guest,  Congressman Sam Farr, who represents California’s Central Coast.

Jim Hightower

Billionaires reap a cornucopia of farm subsidy cash.