Mike Barnes on trouble in Ukraine … Tom Malleson on trouble in the economy and Bill Press with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro on trouble at the border.


Former Congressman and foreign policy expert Mike Barnes offers his thoughts on Ukraine, Western Europe and Florida politics. Economic researcher Tom Malleson makes the case for economic democracy in the workplace. And Bill Press interviews Congresswoman Rosa deLauro on the border crisis.


Mike Barnes

Foreign policy expert and former Congressman Mike Barnes offers his assessment of Vladimir Putin and the struggle in Ukraine.


Tom Malleson

The Occupy Wall Street movement failed because it didn’t spell out concrete alternatives to the current economy, says researcher Tom Malleson – who lays out his alternative – economic democracy in the workplace.


Rosa DeLauro

Bill Press and his guest, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut discuss the trouble on the border.

Jim Hightower

What job creation numbers don’t tell us.