Barnes says Obama’s moves will hasten democracy in Cuba … human rights expert Eric Posner names free speech as the number one right … and Bill Press talks with LBJ archivist Kent Germany.


With President Obama easing travel and other restrictions against Cuba, former Congressman Mike Barnes, an expert on Latin America, says his actions will speed the island’s move toward democracy. In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, human rights expert Eric Posner explains the importance of freedom of expression. And Bill Press talks about LBJ and MLK with historian Kent Germany.


Mike Barnes

Latin America expert Mike Barnes says the opening to Cuba will be on history’s list of President Obama’s Top 10 hits.


Eric Posner

Much is being debated about freedom of expression. Human rights expert Eric Posner says it is the most important right because it underpins all other rights.


Kent Germany

Bill Press and his guest, LBJ archivist Kent Germany.


Jim Hightower


Inaugural galas for governors become influences-buying bazaars.