Which House of Congress better represents the people? And how does winning an Oscar affect your health? Some surprising answers today.

Why is there so much dysfunction in Congress? Constitutional scholar Ian Millhiser says, simply, it is “deeply baked into the legislative system.”

Author and demographer Phillip Longman has some surprising data about how your job determines how long you live, and how winning an Oscar affects health in Hollywood.

And Bill Press talks with Brendon Ayanbadejo of the world champion Baltimore Ravens about safety on the gridiron … and gay rights.

Ian Millhiser

Constitutional law expert Ian Millhiser says the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court may not lead to more Republicans. But it will lead to worse Democrats! He also says the so-called “upper House,” the Senate, is actually more representative of the American people than the “people’s house.”

Jim Hightower

Do more than the minimum on minimum wage.

Phillip Longman

Do race and class matter in health care? Absolutely, says demographer Phillip Longman. It is not only the level of socioeconomic status, it is the disparity between the races and income levels that kills people.

Brendon Ayanbadejo

Bill Press and his guest, Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo.

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