Food exert Courtney Thomas on GMOs … academic freedom expert Cary Nelson on the BDS movement … and Bill Press with Politico’s Steven Shepard.


A food safety expert talks about peanut butter, GMOs and the connection between chocolate and genocide. A prominent professor denounces the movement to boycott, divest and sanction Israeli universities. And Bill Press talks 2016 politics with Steven Shepard of Politico.


Courtney Thomas

Our food safety system is 100 years old and broken, says Professor Courtney Thomas. And, she says, it’s crazy because selling salmonella-infected peanut butter is not against the law.


Cary Nelson

The move by certain academics to boycott Israeli universities is really about opposing Israel as a Jewish state, says prominent professor Cary Nelson.


Steven Shepard

Bill Press and his guest, Politico’s Steven Shepard.


Jim Hightower

Pity the poor stressed-out rich.