David Chappell reflects on the legacy of Martin Luther King. David O’Connell has surprising conclusions about presidents and religion. And Bill Press interviews Jillien Meier about hunger in America.


Another anniversary of the March on Washington comes amidst a crisis in Ferguson, Missouri. Civil rights historian David Chappell reviews the legacy of the “I Have a Dream Speech.” Presidents always invoke God in their major speeches, but political scientist David O’Connell says it never really works in changing minds. And Bill Press interviews Jillien Meier about hunger in America.


David Chappell

In this time of continued turmoil, civil rights historian David Chappell says that 41 years ago at the March on Wahsington, Martin Luther King was really not talking about hope but about sacrifice and struggle.



David O’Connell

When presidents invoke religion and God, it is usually to promote a controversial policy, or because they are in the middle of a scandal. And historian David O’Connell says it never works.



Jillien Meier

Bill Press and his guest, Jillien Meier, with shocking statistics on hunger in America.


Jim Hightower

Texas Grand Jury Indicts a Ham Sandwich