A look back at Republican tactics.


While Donald Trump dominated the news for much of the last half-decade, Republicans have been tinkering with messaging that obscures just how hostile they are to most Americans’ wants and needs. Today we look back at two instances of this: their attempts to cast theirs as the party of economic equality, and their willingness to use racial and cultural wars and wedge issues to divide the working class.

Tom Geoghegan

Labor lawyer Tom Geoghegan thinks Republican “faux populism” is a good sign for Democrats … because we own the issue.

Daniel McGraw

Donald Trump’s anti-Hispanic rhetoric may make no difference. Why? Because the Latino vote is mostly set in states other than Florida and possibly Colorado, says voting analyst Daniel McGraw.

Jim Hightower


A Rube Goldberg Inflationary Spiral


Last July, several GOP senators combined their 5-watt intellects to charge that inflation was rising because of the “insane tax and spending spree of President Biden and the Democrats.”


Never mind that the “insane” spending is for such sensible, productive, and enormously popular national needs as childcare and jobless benefits, Mitch McConnell’s rabidly partisan flock saw the chance to politicize the public’s legitimate worries about rising prices.


Jamie Raskin

Bill's Take on Biden's State of the Union


Although Biden is not known as a great orator, he gave a great speech Tuesday night.


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