Progressive politics at a turning point. Trump’s weaponization of the national security state. Plus Bill with Madeleine Albright.


Theda Skocpol on the right wing coalition that brought us Donald Trump, and what progressives should do now. Melvin Goodman on how Trump politicized the government to advance his personal agenda, and how to undo it. Plus, Madeleine Albright tells Bill Press about how to repair the damage done from Trump’s foreign policy.


Theda Skocpol

Theda Skocpol’s most recent book explores citizen activism in the US from the Tea Party to the anti-Trump resistance and how they are transforming American politics.  It documents the elite and grassroots  interests that are pushing the GOP to the right, and what progressives can learn to advance their agenda in a Biden administration.


Melvin Goodman

Melvin Goodman’s 42-year government career includes service at the CIA, Department of State, Department of Defense, and the US Army. He says Trump has weaponized the national security state in unprecedented ways.


Madeleine Albright

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on the state of U.S. foreign policy after four years of Trump, and what Biden can do to restore America’s role in the world. If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit


Jim Hightower

The People’s Department