Why we know he has to go. What Trump’s taxes say about his presidency. Plus, how Trump has taken lying to a dangerous new level.  And Bill Press on Trump vs. Biden and the political state of play.


Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter David Cay Johnston on what we learn from knowing more about Trump’s taxes. Author Eric Alterman on why presidents lie, and why Trump is worse. And Bill Press with Jonathan Martin,  National Political Correspondent for The New York Times.


David Cay Johnston

David Cay Johnston has spent years reporting on Donald Trump’s business practices, and on the inequities of the U.S. tax code. He says recent reporting from the New York Times on Trump’s taxes offers greater proof of two tax systems, separate and unequal. 


Eric Alterman

In his newest book, journalist and author Eric Alterman explores the long trajectory of presidential lying.  And while most Presidents have lied, he says, in the case of Trump there’s no comparison.


Jonathan Martin

Bill Press with Jonathan Martin, National Political Correspondent for The New York Times, on the latest election polls and why 2020 is not 2016 If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit BillPressPods.com.


Jim Hightower

The virus that’s killing America