The true meaning of populism in America’s history. A solidarity agenda for America’s future. Plus Bill Press on how Trump turned the presidency into a business.  


Thomas Frank on why populism is the most important, and misunderstood, movement of our time. Roger Hickey on what solidarity means in this moment of crisis. And Bill Press digs into Trump’s taxes with Forbes Senior Editor Dan Alexander.


Thomas Frank

Thomas Frank’s newest book reminds us that the true history of populism in America is one of an ever-widening promise of a decent life for all. He says reclaiming that history is essential for a more just and equitable future.


Roger Hickey

Solidarity is a powerful idea that calls on us to act in the common good over individual concerns. Roger Hickey outlines what that means as America envisions a post COVID future.


Dan Alexander

What Trump’s taxes tell us about Trump the businessman.  Bill Press talks with Dan Alexander, author of “ White House, Inc.: How Donald Trump Turned the Presidency.” If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit


Jim Hightower

Trump’s Rule of Lies