Making real change. The dangers of politics as a spectator sport. The political potential of nonviolent activism.  Plus Bill Press on the political rise of Nancy Pelosi.


How to move beyond political hobbyism and make real change. Plus, what is nonviolent resistance and why does it work? And Bill Press  with journalist Molly Ball on her new biography of Nancy Pelosi. 

Eitan Hersh

Author Eitan Hersh says millions of Americans see politics as a form of self-expression rather than as a mechanism for change. In his new book, he explains why this is bad for democracy and shows us a way toward more effective political participation.

Todd Hasak-Lowy

In his new book for young readers, Todd Hasak-Lowy tells the stories of powerful leaders who used nonviolent resistance to bring lasting change.  He says what they understood about politics and power is a necessary lesson for today’s world. 

Molly Ball

How Nancy Pelosi became the most powerful Democrat in the country.   Bill Press with author Molly Ball. If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit  

Jim Hightower

What does “Small Government” buy us?