A better and bolder pandemic relief plan. Is it time to abolish the electoral college?  Plus Bill Press on the rise of  democratic women in politics.


Progressives call on politicians for a relief package that meets the needs of all Americans. Plus, how the electoral college is bad for democracy and why it needs to end. And Bill Press talks with Stephanie Schriock, President of EMILY's List.


Emma Einhorn

The coronavirus pandemic has laid bare our nation’s devastating disparities in health and wealth.  Activist Emma Einhorn says the next relief package has to put people first and commit to an America that works for all.


Jesse Wegman

Twice in two decades, the electoral college has chosen a president who lost the popular vote.  Journalist Jesse Wegman says it doesn’t have to be that way, and the time is now to finally make every citizen's vote matter.


Stephanie Schriock

Bill Press talks with Stephanie Schriock, President of EMILY's List about why it is so important to have women in public office. If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit BillPressPods.com.


Jim Hightower

What’s the Weirdest Species of All?