Black Voters Matter.  Building the power of black communities at the ballot box. Plus Bill Press with Tom Daschle looking back and looking ahead.


Cliff Albright of the Black Voters Matter Fund on the political power of black communities to determine their own destiny.  Plus Bill Press with former Democratic minority leader Tom Daschle on a divided Congress and a divided nation.


Cliff Albright - Pt. 1

The ethos of the Black Voters Matter Fund is that effective voting is a powerful tool for change and self determination.  Co-Founder Cliff Albright says that when that message is delivered in the right way, black voters are ready to hear it.


Cliff Albright - Pt. 2

Cliff Albright, cofounder of Black Voters Matter Fund, which builds community and organizational capacity related to Black voting power. One of their core beliefs is about the importance of working with existing community based organizations. For Cliff Albright, it allows them to build power from what already exists.


Tom Daschle

Bill Press talks with former Democratic minority leader, Tom Daschle about impeachment, the politics of justice, and the future of the Trump presidency.



Jim Hightower

Should Democrats be the party of small change?