Democracy’s next test. Why 2020 won’t be won by centrists. How foreign meddling undermines American voters. Plus, an election preview with former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.


Robert Reich on the choice that has to be made between oligarchy and an America that works for everyone. Fred Wertheimer on the fight that has to be fought against foreign interference in American democracy. 

Plus,  Bill Press looks ahead to 2020 with former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.


Robert Reich

Robert Reich is one of our nation’s leading economists. He says the widening gap between the wealthy and everyone else is the defining issue of our time. And that’s why Democrats have to choose a side.


Fred Wertheimer

Fred Wertheimer has spent more than four decades working on democracy and governance, and is a national leader and spokesman on money and ethics in politics. He says foreign meddling in American politics has been a threat since the founding, and we now have a way to prevent it.


Terry McAuliffe 

Bill Press talks with former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe 

 If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit


Jim Hightower

How to know when the economy is really doing well