Dangers to Democracy. The changing politics of presidential power. The evolution of white nationalism. Plus, Bill Press takes a deep dive into the politics of pot.


A book about the time the GOP stood up to Nixon and what it says about Republicans today. Plus, how the Alt-Right is warping the American imagination.  And Bill Press interviews Justin Strekal (STRAY kel), political director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana .


Michael Koncewicz

Historian and author  Michael Koncewicz tells a fascinating history of the Watergate era and reveals how Republican leaders today have little in common with those who resisted Richard Nixon.


Alexandra Minna Stern

For her new book, historian Alexandra Minna Stern delves into the changing landscape of  white nationalism to offer an invaluable guide to a new breed of racism that threatens the most fundamental ideals of American democracy.


Justin Strekal

Bill Press talking with Justin Strekal, political director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana

on the rise of legalized marijuana,  who is buying in, and who is pushing back.

 If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit BillPressShow.com.


Jim Hightower

Where can Trump find a Good Farm Policy?