The Future of Politics. Republicans in a battle with a new America, and what that means for progressive Democrats. Plus, is President Trump fit to serve? Bill Press takes it on.


An extended conversation with Stanley Greenberg on his new book RIP GOP: How the New America Is Dooming the Republicans. Plus, Bill Press talks with mental health experts about why they fear the President is a danger to the nation.


Stanley Greenberg

Progressive democrats are not only fighting to get Donald Trump out of the White House,  but for a new alignment of politics in America that will realize a progressive agenda on everything from jobs and immigration to health care and the climate. Pollster and author Stanley Greenberg says the nation is ready to respond, and Republicans are set up for a shattering defeat.


Jerrold Post and Bandy Lee

Bill Press on Donald Trump’s  state of mind and why mental health experts are taking an unusual public stand to warn the public.


Jim Hightower

Look who’s joining the struggle against corporate plutocracy