The populism we need now. Revisiting the fight against gerrymandering . Plus Bill Press on Donald Trump’s broken vision of immigration.


David Daley on how to restore fairness and democracy to elections. John Judis and a progressive vision of populism and nationalism. Plus Bill Press on how to solve America’s immigration crisis.


David Daley

The Supreme Court’s decision on partisan gerrymandering dealt a huge blow to the future of democratc elections in America.  David Daley is one of the nation's leading experts on partisan gerrymandering. He says it’s not too late to fight back.


John Judis

Across the globe, nationalism and populism  are being co-opted by the right, and democracy is paying the price. Veteren journalist John Judis says it doesn’t have to be that way.  He says the left needs to embrace both ideas for the promise they hold for a progressive and inclusive politics.


Tom Jawetz

Bill Press gets to the truth about immigration with Tom Jawetz, Vice President for Immigration Policy at the Center for American Progress


Jim Hightower

Trump puts opponent of public lands in charge of public lands.