The Politics of Race: Past and Present, plus a defining moment in the history of AIDS in the United States


The GOP’s Southern Strategy from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump.

 Plus former Virginia governor Terry McAulife on the growing threat of white nationalism in America today.   And Bill Press on the story behind the first ever AIDS ward in the United States. 


Terry McAuliffe

Terry McAulife served as the 72nd Governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018. He was chair of the Democratic National Committee from 2001 to 2005, was co-chair of President Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign and chair of Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign.  It was during his recent term as Governor that the infamous Unite the Right Rally took place in Charlottesville and led to the deaths of three people. Dozens more were injured. In his new book Beyond Charlottesville: Taking a Stand Against White Nationalism, the former governor offers a behind the scenes account of that day, and his thoughts on what the nation should still be learning.


Angie Maxwell

The Southern Strategy is often understood as a fixed point in American political history when Richard Nixon and the GOP used racism to build a base among white voters in the South. A new book is changing that perspective and deepens our understanding of how the Southern Strategy transformed American politics, and how its impact persists even today,


Cliff Morrison

The transformation of how doctors treated AIDS patients.  From fear and ignorance to compassion and dignity. Bill Press talks with Cliff Morrison about the new documentary 5B.


Jim Hightower

Will Democrats be Democrats, or fraidy cats?